Okay so I have basically all but skipped over winter/spring 2010 and mostly because nothing good comes of winter/spring unless you're everyone else but me. Congratulations to all the lucky ducks who: got engaged, got married, had a baby, had two babies, had someone tell you you were having a baby or two babies, had a baby birthday, bought a house, bought a car, got a new job, went back to a job, quit a job, took vacation, planned a vacation etc. etc. etc... All fantastically lovely things to happen to people... just not to me.

Alas, after an eternity of winter/spring 2010, summer is finally HERE! Now, some of you may argue that summer in Canada is still months away but I beg to differ. And here's Carly's top ten reasons why:
- I left the office last week after 7PM and it was still sunny - when it wasn't raining
- I wore a dress without stockings last week (albeit my legs looked straight out of Twilight and I wore closed-toed shoes but haven't had a tan or a pedicure since before Jack F-ing Frost messed with my happiness back in October 2009)
- I am going for a pedicure tonight and plan to wear open-toed shoes tomorrow...yep, to work and no, will not be wearing stockings
- I've already had dinner and drinks on the back patio at Caren's Wine Bar - a summer
staple for delicious vino and a must-do if in Toronto even for just one drink!
- I spent a weekend at the cottage and didn't have to hover around the hot stove wrapped in various animal pelts
- Anxiety levels are at an all-time high with the realization I'll be forced to break up with those ten cushy pounds I've snuggled up to all of these long, cold winter months... we've gotten so close, it's hard to say goodbye - no really, it's hard...
- I'm not wearing all black, all grey, light grey, dark grey, grey with black, black with navy, navy with grey... in fact, I am wearing a top that has a colour in it that I'm pretty sure qualifies as neon pink, no joke
- I'm giving up on my au natural brunette phase in favour of some warm highlights - conveniently those lighter strands will serve double duty to cover the obnoxious silver sprouts
- I have a little pot of herbs sitting on my balcony that haven't shrivelled up from frost bite (or lack of watering... mental note to do that tonight!)
- All I want to do is shop for cute, bright, short, floral, checked, striped, solid, colourful, shoes, tops, bottoms, dresses, hats, shoes, sunglasses, lipsticks, bracelets, earrings, shoes and... shoes

Think it's going to be a hot summer and I mean that in the most literal and figurative of ways. How do you know when summer has arrived?