Monday, January 4, 2010

A Brave New Year

Year over year, with every stroke of midnight each December 31st, the world symbolically sheds the past year's struggles, hardships, heartaches, fears and doubts. And in so many ways, January 1 does feel like a rebirth - an opportunity to call a cosmic mulligan to "do over" or "do better" in the areas you've failed to master the year prior. (argued considerably by my dear friend Lindsay who absolutely despises this concept on the basis that society has made up this ridiculous concept and a date doesn't change anything... but this is not about her.)

This year, I haven't yet made any resolutions. I didn't quite feel ready for the new year to come so quickly. I didn't organize, I didn't purge, I didn't prepare or even count down. Before I knew it, somewhere between the World Junior Hockey game, my third glass of red wine (okay fourth or fifth) and multiple servings of dinner, my relationship with 2009 was over and I was rebounding immediately, toasting champagne, sharing a sweet moment with my bf of three years and congratulating friends over roars of "happy new year!" My house still needed to be cleaned, my bills paid and the work I had left on December 29th would still be waiting for me in three days' time. In a nutshell, my breakup with 2009 had been messy with many loose ends and the shiny newness of 2010 only temporarily made me forget. Now I need closure.

That is probably what should be my 2010 resolution: get over 2009. I'll spend the first month of this brave new year resolving, reflecting, renouncing and reviving - really start to take good care of me. Then, I'll cut myself a little slack and restart the year again... slightly delayed but for the better.

Okay, here goes. Day 1 is half over and I'm feeling only slight anxiety. Good sign. And to reward myself for being so mature, I think I'll buy
these. Seriously cute and are perfectly in line with my NYR. You can't make any decisions with cold feet!

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